It makes me very sad that the EraseInstall application has been retired.

We built this tool three years ago, mostly because we wanted to learn how to build an app like this on macOS. We think it worked out well. We learned a lot, and are glad the application was useful to some.

Since then, all the people involved in the EraseInstall Project have moved on to other jobs or other responsibilities. Unfortunately, this leaves us with no time or resources to maintain or improve EraseInstall.

The repository and the application will remain available in its current state. There will be no more updates. If someone feels they can take up the project and continue it, please do!

If you are looking for a similar solution, we recommend Graham Pugh’s eraseinstall script.

Thank you, all, again!

Team EraseInstall: Arnold Nefkens, Armin Briegel, and Mischa van der Bent